Saturday, June 16, 2012



When no one else can understand me

When everything I do is wrong

You give me love and consolation

You give me strength to carry on

When there's no one there

To lend a hand in everything I do
That's the wonder, the wonder of you.

When I lost my dad back in July 15, 2007, I felt I lost a special part of my life. I lost someone to lean on when I am dizzy, arms to pick me up when I fall, hands to tap my shoulders when I need assurance, arms to wrap around me when I need comfort, ears to listen to me when I want to share my problems, nod that showed approval to what good I have to do. When I found out that he was about to die after seeing his eyes rolling up and had a hard time breathing, I really questioned God why he had to take my dad?

After getting married and had a troubled life with my husband, I never did tell my parents especially my dad of what was happening to me. I always made them see that I was happy. After I have made a crucial decision in my life of separating from my husband, I confessed to my parents about the life I was in. There I saw my dad's face turn red. All he did was to breathe deeply and I saw the sadness in his eyes. After a while, I saw tears come out of his eyes. He never asked me why but he just gave me a   tight hug and a tap on my shoulder saying, "everything will be alright, we are here for you." At that very time, I talked to God just in my heart and mind "thank you Lord for a great dad you gave me that even I have married the wrong person for me but you gave me the right and best dad in the world."

I remember when I was in my kindergarten, I didn't know how to write and I was so lazy to do do writing but he took time to teach me and gave me all his patience. I really hated writing but he made me at least like it even though I can't love it. It was from his hand that I started to write my name, the one that he gave me when I came out of my mom's womb. It is from that time on that I started appreciating my family name that he had. And that family name is back to me. I will never try replacing it for something else. I never have mistaken to keep his family name in my professional license card.

As I live my life with my children these days and forth, I will always remember that I have my dad's values and that I will also be like him as I guide my kids. I will always understand them when no one else understands. When everything in them gets wrong, I will always give them consolation and will give them strength to carry on. For he taught me that when there is no one else to lend a hand in everything they do, that will be the wonder of a parent like me.

"I love you always dad and I will always cherish you in my heart."